Guy Man
Man Yun Wah (Guy) is a Director at RHT Corporate Advisory (HK) Limited. He has over a decade of experience in corporate secretarial and almost 4 years of experience handling listed companies. He is a company secretary of several private and public listed companies.
In his years of experience, he has provided corporate secretarial services to various private companies and charities. His area of practice includes company restructuring, striking off and liquidation, application of charitable institutes, the various licenses administered by the Hong Kong Companies Registry (e.g. Money Lenders License) and Hong Kong visas (e.g. Investment Visa and permanent residence), support and advisory work in relation to compliance matters with The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, Companies Ordinance, Code of Corporate Governance and the relevant rules and regulations.
He is an associate member of The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators and an associate member of The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management and a Master’s Degree in Corporate Governance.