Lissa Siau Kuei Lian
Siau Kuei Lian (Lissa) is a Director of RHT Corporate Advisory Pte. Ltd. She leads a team of dedicated professionals and is a Company Secretary of several public listed and private companies. She has a diversified clientele which includes Singapore based companies and offshore companies.
As a qualified chartered secretary, she possesses more than 15 years of professional experience in the corporate secretarial and compliance advisory practice involving foreign and local as well as public listed and private companies.
In her years of experience, she has provided corporate secretarial services to various private companies, charities and institutions of public character as well as public listed companies. Her area of practice includes due diligence exercises for merger and acquisition, company restructuring, striking off, setting up of branch office, providing support and advisory work in relation to compliance matters with the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited, Singapore Companies Act, the Code of Corporate Governance and the relevant rules and regulations.
She graduated from the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (“ICSA”) and is an Associate (ACIS) of the ICSA. She holds a Practicing Certificate from ICSA.