Shirley Tan Sey Liy
Shirley Tan Sey Liy is a Director of RHT Corporate Advisory Pte. Ltd. She leads a team of dedicated professionals and is a Company Secretary of several listed companies, private companies and offshore companies. She has a diversified clientele which includes companies that has operations in Singapore, China, Japan, Malaysia and Hong Kong.
As a qualified chartered secretary, she possesses more than 18 years of professional experience in the corporate secretarial practice and compliance advisory practice involving public listed and private companies, local companies, foreign companies as well as schools. She has also been pivotal as a channel of communication during Board Committees meetings, Board meetings, Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting of public listed and private companies which are conducted bilingually to ensure proper compliance with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements. She is fluent and well versed in several languages including English, Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese and Bahasa.
Her area of practice includes corporate secretarial due diligence exercises for initial public offering, dual listings in Singapore and Hong Kong, merger and acquisitions, company restructuring, liquidation and striking off, application for Permanent Residence, Employment Pass, Dependent Pass and Entrepass for expatriates (which includes foreign directors and key management personnel), support and advisory work in relation to compliance matters with the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited, Singapore Companies Act, the Code of Corporate Governance and the relevant rules and regulations.
Shirley holds a Master of Science in Management with Distinction from the University College Dublin. She also graduated from the Chartered Secretaries Institute of Singapore (CSIS) and is an Associate (ACS) of the CSIS. She holds a Practicing Certificate from CSIS and is currently a member of the CSIS Corporate Secretarial Practice Sub-Committee.